
3 Steps to Making Networking Events More Impactful & Enjoyable as an Introverted Seller

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In this edition, you’ll understand how to apply a simple 3-layer “sandwich” system to making networking events more impactful and enjoyable when you naturally hate networking.

The mission:

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→ Understand the 3F sandwich system
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Let’s go...

3 Steps to Making Networking Events More Impactful & Enjoyable as an Introverted Seller  

Early in my sales career, I loathed networking events.As an introverted seller, I’d shy away from engaging with people. I’d stay tucked away in my hotel room. They would be a burden, stoked my anxiety, and ended up being wasted time and the company’s money.

I thought to myself “networking events are stupid…why am I here?!”

This would happen for years. I would resist the opportunity. I would show up with a deflated mindset. I would hide away in the corners. And everyone would be disappointed with the results…

Old Managers: “Where are the leads?” 🧐
Me: “Ummm.” 😬

But taking a different approach for one event changed everything!

I applied a simple “sandwich system” comprised of a 3F framework that made this event more impactful and enjoyable. Since then, I’ve applied it to every event I’ve ever attended.

It’s contributed to consistent 7 figure earning years as a SaaS seller and my overall positive outlook on events

.Here’s how it works:

Layer 1: Focus

Before the event takes place, I focus on just one thing — search for a single meaningful engagement with a key contact at a Diamond Account.

This would be my mantra:

“All you need is one good connection.”

To make that outcome achievable, I would focus on the input of researching a key account for the upcoming event and I’d focus 100% of my attention on them.

Result: Dramatically eased my mind and gave me a higher sense of purpose and conversation talking points.

Bonus: Write an article or post focused on an applicable topic that will be discussed at the event, and use that as a reason for your connection request or the script for your talking points.

I’m not the only one who likes this approach, Dorie Clark, author of Taking the Work Out of Networking: An Introvert's Guide to Making Connections That Count talks about how effective this is too:

Layer 2: Find

After connecting with a contact with my Diamond Account and unearthing a meaningful story, I felt like my mission was accomplished.

This freed up more mental energy and gave me momentum to keep collecting more stories.

Without any set expectations, I could engage on a human first, seller second level— meaning connect first before selling anything during happy hours and breaks. I was freed up to be fully present in the moment vs stuck in my head worrying about sh*t.

Result: More stories, more connections, more leads.

Bonus: Becks Vogels drops some great tips on developing your personal two-word story in this Forbes article (great for the job search type of networking too!)

Layer 3: Follow-up

At the end of each day or the event, I followed up with 3 key items from our conversation:

  • Gratitude: Thank them for spending time with me
  • Summary: Provide 3 things we discussed as a reminder (and a way to stand out from the hundreds of other conversations they had)
  • Invitation: Invite them to continue the conversation

Result: Deeper connections to begin pursuing warm opportunities.

Bonus: Create “reconnect files,” where you remind yourself to have one meaningful reason to contact that person once a month following the event.Networking events don’t have to be complete chaos. If you’re an introvert like me and shy away from cold connections, applying the 3F “sandwich system” can be a simple way to make events more impactful and enjoyable.


  • Step 1: Focus on connecting with just one contact at a key account.
  • Step 2: Find meaningful stories by staying in the present moment.
  • Step 3: Follow-up quickly with the 3 key things you discussed.
  • Step 4: Don’t miss the opportunity to work 1:1 with me.

Happy thriving and see you next time!

Here’s how I can help you right now:

1 | Unlock the 7 Figure Seller OS

Learn how to use design and systems thinking to become a 7 figure seller. There are 3 options to allow you to customize your learning journey.

2 | Download The 7 Figure Open Letter

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3 | Book a 1:1 coaching session right now

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