
Building a System That's Right for You

If you follow my content, you probably know that I like to share a personal framework that has helped me become healthier and happier, and in turn, has pushed my sales career to the next level.I would encourage you to try it out.But I also wanted to take a moment to step back and reflect.Just because something worked for me doesn’t mean it will work well for everyone.We all have different goals, abilities, and approaches. We all have unique methods for processing information, different appetites for changing our habits, and stretching our limits.My goal isn’t to be some kind of guru with a set of followers who do what I say — I want to help each and every person in my community become a healthier and more successful version of themselves.I thought it would be useful to outline how I came up with my framework and operating system. That way, you can do the same exercises I did and create personalized routines that are just right for you.

There's No Perfect Off-The-Shelf System

I don’t believe in blindly following a specific sales philosophy or productivity system without questioning how it fits into my own strengths, limitations, and beliefs.In sales, every deal is too unique, every role and company too distinct, for there to be a perfect one-size-fits-all approach.In life, no one’s circumstances are identical.If you’re looking for a shortcut or some secret sauce that will make you a perfect seller or the most productive human, I hate to break it to you, it simply doesn’t exist.But that’s okay — if anything, it gives you the freedom to try lots of different things. You can take your favorite pieces from each, break them apart, and put them back together in a totally new configuration.The key is to focus on improving. And improvement comes from learning and experimenting.To me, that experimentation is what makes sales so fun. It makes selling a craft that you need to work on every day, not a rote job where you’re following a formula. It’s also an effective way to learn, and do it quickly.Learning quickly can be applied to anything meaningful in your life.

How To Build Your System

My experimentation to find a perfect formula lasted many years, and ultimately resulted in a framework that has been sustainable, scalable, and enjoyable.Here’s how I did it:

    • I started by defining my core principles and values. If you want to build a personal operating system that can last, it needs to deeply connect with what matters to you as a person. Given my physical and mental health scares, I knew mine needed to be grounded in my personal wellness. I knew good sales outcomes had to be an end result of a process that started with a focus on my own health and happiness. I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to push through and close deals if I wasn’t selling something I thought was impactful and a product I authentically believed in. Those were the foundational roots I used to build out the rest of my system.
    • Once I had my principles and values identified, I picked the right tools for the quest. Achieving a goal requires a specific set of skills and aids. If you’re trying to optimize your family time so you can help raise a newborn, you’ll want to use a completely different set of tools than if you’re trying to impress your boss and get that next promotion. So the apps and trackers and tactics you move forward with need to be informed by your goals, principles, and values. You also don’t need to do everything yourself! Try to find others who can help guide you in the areas you can’t figure out on your own. Since my cornerstones were my physical and mental health and the product I was selling, I narrowed in on productivity apps, wearables, mentors, and industry-specific learning tools.
    • The final step is developing DFC. In other words, you need to have the DISCIPLINE to follow your routines and using your tools in the right way to ladder up to your principles and values. Once you start, it’s important to remain FLEXIBLE to adapt on the fly to the many demands that come at us in the modern workplace. Lastly, it important to remain CURIOUS so that you can constantly tinker with and improve upon your system as you see what works in the real world. Reality is your testing ground, so use it and continuously optimize around what works for you and your lifestyle.

To help you get started, print out this PDF and spend a few minutes filling it out. If you don’t get it right the first time, that’s okay — you can always give it another shot. Text me at (917) 810-2325 for additional assets as you go through the process.

Why It's Worth It

Over the past few years, I shifted my energies from constantly hustling and grinding as a seller to prioritizing my health and happiness. My career success followed suit. Mental health and financial wealth went hand-in-hand.Instead of constantly chasing quotas, I’m focused on and have fallen in love with how I operate.But I had to discover that process the hard way over the previous 17 years — through lots of failure, and lots of pain, both personal and professional.If you are able to use this framework to create a unique, personalized system that is truly your own and helps you achieve your goals, it will have all been worth it.And if you’re able to fall in love with how you operate, keep yourself focused, and replace bad habits with positive ones, you’ll experience amazing outcomes you can’t yet imagine.Need help figuring out your needs and values? Not sure where to start searching for the right tools? Let me know and I'll help you out.


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Get the exact system I’ve used to go from earning $200K to over $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out here. (1,800+ students)
  2. Join a community of Purpose-Curious™ sellers in the Make More Hustle Less Club where we develop a personal operating system together here. (300+ members)
  3. Book a 1:1 coaching session to up-level your performance here. (Limited spots available)